







TEL:13817874408 Dora


Advanced Certification Training in Team Coaching


Certification: 100 ACTC

Date : May 24-26, Oct 15-17, 2024

Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Lunch: 12:30pm-2:00pm

Fee: RMB 49800 (excluding meal and accommodation)

Trainer: Leda Turai  MCC

Venue:  Shanghai





For a small group of coaches, who participated in the ICF accredited Fundamentals of Team Coaching or in similar team coaching training;

For external or internal coaches, who are willing to learn from a non-linear combination of theory, practical application of theoretic models, real life experiments, personal experience, reflections and though provoking discussions;

Advanced Certification Training in Team Coaching is your best choice...


Learning About:

Advanced Certification Training in Team Coaching provides deeper and profound work - the inner games of teams and systems:

1. teams and systemic symptoms 

2. Systemic constellation- what makes system thrive and fail and how can teams contribute to the well being of the organization

3. The enablers and disablers of collective intelligence

 4. collective decision making and cognitive bias

 5. u/standing collaboration in various types of teams 

6. power dynamics- from unilateral power to mutual power 

7. Team maturity levels and what can a coach do to transform the team 

8. bridging cultural differences: how to recognize and work with cultural and sub-cultural difference - changing the team culture 

9. The underlying norms for the team’ s psychological contract 

10. the team in the mind 

11. how to coach teams for innovation and disruption. 



The participants will:

·learn what interacting factors cause different cognitive and emotional dynamics in a team

·learn to always hold a systemic approach, when working with teams and they will learn to use simple constellation techniques to create “A-HA” moments for the team and for the entire organization about various inter-relating organizational behaviors

·will explore the concept of the organization in the mind and they will understand better what leads to misunderstanding, conflicts and divergence in the collective thinking. They will also learn how to use games and various objects to make collective sense-making more unambiguous

·dig deeper into the adult development theories and learn how to stimulate more mature perceptions and higher quality thinking

·learn how the context (team) can influence negatively and positively the individual contribution at cognitive and performance levels.

·learn how to support the leader’s growth in order to enable and transform the team more efficiently

·learn more about the collective profile of high performing teams and focus on challenging deeper levels of limiting unconscious / instinctive mindsets

·learn about a set of biases and methods to mitigate them

·learn about even more efficient ways of reflecting and pre-flecting  to create more personal, interpersonal and organizational awareness

·learn how to approach and work with different teams  

·learn about working with cross-cultural teams




- ICF Past Global President

- ICF Past Global Board of Chair,Vice Chair

- ICF Lithuania Chapter President 

Trainer:Leda Turai MCC

As a leadership and executive coach, trainer and director of boards she has supported many companies in implementing important changes and achieving sustainable business results.

Over the last four years she served as Chair, Vice Chair and Director of the Global Board of the International Coach Federation. In these roles she was responsible for more than 130 countries.

Currently she is the Head of Leadership Module of the Executive MBA programme at the ISM Executive School, a leadership development partner and founder at UAB L-CON Global, partner at the Management Institute of Finland, trainer at Coaching Development (London) and PEMI (China).

Leda has worked in the field of human development, organisational development and communication since 1997. She has worked in many countries across generations and cultures, communicating in five languages.

She has years of experience working with the financial sector, supporting banks and other industries in robust change processes during and after the financial crises.

She has conducted extensive research in the field of human resource development and corporate coaching, sharing her findings to make various types of leadership approaches and coaching interactions more effective and sustainable.

In 2006 she was awarded one of the highest presidential awards, The Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary for developing and facilitating cultural and economic relations between Hungary and Lithuania.

A 100% track record as a mentor coach. All her mentees at all credentialing levels passed all their ICF assessments at first trial. During the last two years 40 mentees got their MCC credentials.

Leda often speaks at coaching and leadership conferences around the world.


Date: May 24-26, Oct 15-17, 2024

Fee: 49800 rmb/person

Time: 9am to 5pm

Venue: Shanghai

Details: Dora 13817874408